Essay On Becoming A Dentist

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The idea of being a dentist strike me when I was 7. That time, I was suffering from pain in the mouth due to the fact that I had a tooth grow beneath my milk tooth while my milk tooth had decided not to come off. My mum had to send me to a dentist to sort it out but at that time I am scared of the noise and crying which came out from the dental room. Somehow the dentist in that clinic managed to convince me the process was painless and he successfully removed my tooth without even noticed by me. When I discovered that a dentist’s job is more complicated than just removing a tooth, I was fascinated by the skills of a dentist. Oral health plays a critical role for the whole body health but a lot of people especially Asian tend to treat oral health…show more content…
I also participated in various clubs and societies during my secondary school years. The most exciting extracurricular activity that I took part with was Red Crescent Society. In the society, I was exposed to various challenges, for instances, training for foot drill competition under blazing sun, learning first aid. Among the most the activities, annual camp held by the committee members benefited me the most. Leadership skills, communicating skills, learning how to set up strategies, teamwork are a few important one which laid the path for me to shine in the society and finally acquire the position as a Secretary of the society. I was the Vice Treasurer of Chinese Language Society in my secondary school. During my service, I was selected by my teacher to participate in a National Leadership Training Camping. In the camp, I met leaders from other school in Malaysia, I was able to exchange experience with other people and further improve my leadership ability. I took the UNSW ICAS exam for science during Secondary 3, 4, 5 which I achieved a High Distinction and two Distinction. Besides, I also took part and scored High Distinction in National Chemistry Quiz during my Secondary Five. In college, I participated Sunway Pre-Medical club and had been for a trip to a medical university. Besides, I also took part in A-Level Student Ambassador which helps me to polish my communication skills and

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