Essay About Integumentary System

832 Words4 Pages
A couple of fun facts about the integumentary system are that the skin is known as your birthday suite, and they you grow a new layer of skin each month. This is unique to me, because I didn’t know that we grow new layers of skin. A unique fact about the urinary system is that the bladder holds about 400ml of urine. A fun fact about the reproductive system is that the vagina is compared to tomatoes because they are both acidic. Both acidic levels are at 4.5. There are a lot of fun facts about the integumentary system, one of my favorite ones was that the skin weighs more than 6 pounds. My second fact was the skin is vulnerable to many disorders because it’s the most exposed of all the body system. My last fact was that the skin is the largest I fan of the body. All of these facts were interesting to me because I didn’t…show more content…
Our skin sends indicators to our body. Our eyelids have the thinnest skin on our bodies. Our hair grows 1 cm per mouth. These are unique because who would have known that our grows that much in just a month. I knew that our skin on our eyes were thin, but I didn't know it was the thinnest skin on our body. I found three fun facts about the integumentary systems at The skin of the human body is known as your birthday suit. Your eyelids have the thinnest skin in the body. I also found that the average amount of head hair is 120,000 for every human. I also read that each kidney has about 1,000,000 filtering units, called nephrons. Your integumentary system has indicators. Your skin also has 7 stacked layers of cells. And your nails can grow up to .5 mm a week. Cool facts about the urinary system is your kidneys has 1,000,000 filtering units called nephrons. 40 gallons of blood are filtered in women each day. And 58 gallons of blood is filtered in men each day. The reproductive system contains the largest and the smallest cells in the body. The vagina is just acidic as a

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