Essay About Haze

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Haze phenomenon is no longer a strange phenomenon in Asean countries. This is because every year the haze occurs in some Asean countries that gave many negative effects on a country. Haze began to occur in some areas in Indonesia for carrying out open fires on their forests. Thus the open fires has resulted in too much smoke from fires and then spread to neighboring countries including Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam etc. The haze phenomenon become more critical days by days when it began to cause death, especially children. This is because it is said that the smoke haze are toxic and caused respiratory of person could be disturbed. Other than that, haze not only adversely affects one's health but also to the country, particularly in…show more content…
Forest fires in some areas of Indonesia is a matter that often happens where practically is an annual occurrence and haze is produced due to this matter and subsequently spread to neighboring countries. According to Muhamad Varkkey (2011), forest fire in Southeast Asia has been recorded since the 19th century where country that most contributed to forest fires is Indonesia especially in the province of Kalimantan and Sumatra when 3.6 million hectares of tropical forests were destroyed since 1982. Muhammad Varkkey cited Jakarta Post 1987 and 1988 that the forest fires again burnt in 1987 and the fires in 1997-1998 was the worst fires had seen in 50 years. Haze pollution due to forest fires in Indonesia has been spread to other countries such as Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore as well (Ariadno, 2013). Ariadno stated that the rate of deforestation in the tropic is increasing as Indonesia’s forest region is one of the largest in the world and they need to destroy incrementally. Due to this matter, Indonesia need to carry out forest fires and these caused haze occur where it spread rapidly to countries nearby especially Malaysia and Singapore. However, the occurrence of forest fires in Indonesia occurs due to the weakness of the Indonesian forestry governance. According to Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore (2013), the haze is caused by Indonesian forestry governance is

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