Essay About Corruption In Malaysia

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1.0 INTRODUCTION / BACKGROUND Malaysia is a Multicultural country where it has people who have different races,type,out lock and views in corruption . In international trade is the motor of the global economy and despite an a recent slowdown,it still represents increasingly large volume exchanged goods services and financial flows . Based on Malaysia’s score and placing in transparency International’s Corruption Perception index over the past decade or so,International business people and country experts perceived a gradual rise in corruption in Malaysia.Many people a decide to be a professional in corruption . Some people think by doing corruption in life a good for they to make a good job success in life . As a response to calls from the public to address these concerns and to halt the perceived increase in corruption with in country .Similarly,the perception of corruption among the people too has been doing the deteriorating with the transparency International Global Corruption barometer survey showing that in 2009,only 29% people viewed all the Government’s actions and dialog of fighting corruption as being effective as compared in 2007 to 2009 along the years . It contains have a few important data such…show more content…
Teach yourself to be honest and trustworthy .As a Malaysian people, we should have a good attitude and do not burden others people . Before making a situation must think deep inside to make sure what the impact is not the bad impact . I have made many studied about the ways how to fighting corruption and that research teach me a lot new things in life and I more confidence to continue life as a Malaysian people .Corruption is not fair so should not been seen everywhere . My Slogans for fighting corruption is “ Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely ‘

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