Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy

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Attachment plays a significant role in how individuals view relationships with others. Growing up as a child, I was raised by extended family members as my mother was a single parent, so I had many attachment figures. My mother was available to provide nurturance and protection as a child. As a child, I endured adversity as my mother was in an abusive relationship during my latency phase and part of my adolescent childhood. My mother left the abusive relationship; however, the aftermath left a huge imprint on my life. My perspective on how I viewed myself, the world, and relationships would prove to be a challenge well into my adulthood. I grew up as an anxious child and would become hypervigilant and aroused around individuals who were in…show more content…
Personal psychotherapy helped us to gain a better understanding of how my childhood shaped my future relationships. Therapy gave us an opportunity to learn a new dance by expressing how we were feeling and how he could be more supportive. My husband was able to learn new ways to communicating his needs instead of avoiding conflict which often lead to resentment and internalized anger. Therapy taught us to explore what had kept us together for so long and the ability to reach out to others when we needed…show more content…
The model focused on more humanistic approaches than implementing behavioral interventions. The model examines the significance of emotion and emotional communication and how these elements play a role in the couples interactions and experiences in their close relationships. EFT would use emotions to create change for couples who were in marital distress and the concept has become more accepted over the years (Johnson, 2004). Johnson (2004) contended that emotional regulation, engagement, and human attachment are identified as key factors in marital happiness and distress. EFT combines an intrapsychic focus of how the couple processes their emotional responses with their interactions into patterns and cycles. The Therapist examines the patterns and the couple’s experiences and how they create each other. The goal is to facilitate change by changing the negative internal and external responses to create more sensitive responses through a secure emotional bond shared by the couple (Johnson,

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