Emmett Till Thesis

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Emmett Till was a young African American male .That was murdered at the age of fourteen be-cause he either whistled at, flirted with or touched the hand of the store's white female clerk. Till was kidnapped in beaten to death in through in a river. Tills murder influence a lot of African Americans to stand up, such as Rosa Park. Nine years later, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, outlawing many forms of racial discrimination and segregation. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act, outlawing discriminatory voting practices, was passed. Another person who made in difference in the state of Mississippi was Ida B Wells. Ida B Wells was known for a journalist .Wells led an anti-lynching crusade in the United States in the 1890s, and went on to found and become integral in groups striving for African-American jus-tice. While working as a journalist and publisher, Wells also held a position as a teacher in a seg-regated public school in Memphis. She became a vocal critic of the condition of black’s…show more content…
Fannie Lou Hamer was a civil rights activist who helped African Americans register to vote and who co-founded the Mis-sissippi Freedom Democratic Party. Hamer also worked for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, which fought racial segregation and injustice in the South. In 1964, she helped found the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Hamer was one of a small group of African Americans in her area who decided to register themselves. She traveled with 17 others to the county court-house in Indianola to accomplish this goal. Hamer dedicated her life to the fight for civil rights. Along with her political activism, Hamer worked to help the poor and families in need in her Mississippi community. She also set up organizations to increase business opportunities for minor-ities and to provide childcare and other family services. She helped establish the National Wom-en's Political Caucus in

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