Diction In Hamlet

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In Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, Prince Hamlet, the tragic hero of the play, goes through psychological changes of consciousness as he uncovers truths pertaining to life and death. Through the various uses of pensive, reflective, and somber diction, the author is able to give the internal events of discoveries and awakenings, the sense of excitement and suspense commonly associated with external and physical events and actions. By utilizing the variety of diction, Shakespeare is able to convey the theory connected to the circle of life, as well as suicide, and the spirituality of death. Within one of Shakespeare’s most famous soliloquies Hamlet reflects upon death and says “To be, or not to be: that is the question” (line 55). This statement reflects upon the circle of life and the concept of death. The use of pensive…show more content…
Since Hamlet’s father was murdered Hamlet became obsessed with idea of revenge and death. The promise of justice and revenge consumes Hamlet’s mind and emotionally and psychosocially devours Hamlet’s actions. Upon seeing King Claudius, Old King Hamlet’s murder and brother, Hamlet is prepared to commit his own crime of treason, yet he is stopped upon the idea that murdering a man while praying will send the man to heaven. Hamlet cries “A villain kill my father, and for that I, his sole son, do the same villain send to heaven” (Act 3 Sc. 3 Lines 81-82). The prospect that a murderer could go to heaven after parting from the world is preposterous and unjust, and Hamlet sheaths his sword saying, “Up sword, and know thou a more horrid hent” (line 93). By saying “a more horrid hent” the prince means that he shall wait for a more horrific, horrid, and proper time to kill King Claudius. The conflicting emotions of to kill, or not to kill, shows the purpose of questioning morality and the suspense of Hamlet’s emotional conflicts of

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