Emile Durkheim Analysis

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Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim have had a great influence in the development of sociology. Marx’s “Capitalism”, Weber’s “Bureaucracy” and Durkheim’s “Division of Labour” have significantly created their own spots as major and famous sociological theories. These theories that have been built by sociologists during different eras have been claimed as classics. However, while comparing the emerging forms of division of labour in modern society among different sociologists, it has been seen that all of them have their individual and differentiating view. Karl Marx believes that division of labour means a way in which workers of an organization were given a job at which they were good at or at which they had their specialty in. Max…show more content…
Social Stratification was caused as a result of the domination of the ruling class and the level of dominance faced by the working class. Every individual started becoming dependant on the work of another individual which was the result of the division of labour and the stratification process caused by it. Stratification took an important place in this theoretical society of equal opportunity. Along with capitalism and modernity resulted in the development of industrialization and factories which required owners and workers. In capitalism, the two parties had extreme level of difference. One party owned the factories and the other had to struggle and work hard to earn their rewards. Stratification took an important place in this theoretical society of equal opportunity. Another important and major contribution from Marx was the distinction that he has made between the “social division of labour” and the “economic division of…show more content…
They were also alienated from the means of production as they had no say in its running. They remained silent as different means of production started taking the lead. Many times, workers often remained in the state of oppression, a state in which happiness or even fulfillment was hard to find because they were so oppressed that they had no choice but to work. Even after all the discrimination in the labour market, stratified workers were even alienated from enjoying life or finding personal fulfillment in it. Once again for Marx, the division of labour and conflict between capitalists and workers were crucial problems of modern society. Social stratification also played a major
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