Elizabeth Peratrovich And Martin Luther King: A True America

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Many definitions can come to mind when one thinks of “Americans.” Some may say that Americans are arrogant (insert choice of insulting curse name here), and others might say they are freedom fighters. Yes, sometimes people born in America sometimes happen to be arrogant and rude, however, Americans who fight for what’s believed to be right are freedom fighters, otherwise known as true Americans. People similar to Elizabeth Peratrovich and Martin Luther King, Jr. are true Americans. They not only fought for themselves during their lifetime, they fought for the people who lived without a voice to be acknowledged. They fought for the human rights that should have been given to every American in the first place. A true American will dream extensively and stop at nothing to push that dream into a reality just like Elizabeth Peratrovich and Martin Luther King, Jr. did.…show more content…
First, you must become efficient in earning a living...” She’s definitely onto something. One must work for their own utopia and realize that a good work ethic is essential to receive what is deserved. Something is only done right when it is done by oneself. An American knows how to support themselves and be responsible. Working continuously on a project of one’s desires has the potential to create a positive change in the world for future generations to come. For Elizabeth Peratrovich and Martin Luther King, Jr., they strove for equality amongst Americans as their positive change for the world. All it started with was a

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