Egocentricity In Atonement

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The statement “the way an individual reacts to their circumstances will help them to break free” coincides with the individuals displayed in Ian McEwan’s 2001 novel “Atonement”, Gwen Harwood’s poem “Father and Child” and Stella Young’s TED Talk titled “I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much”. The above thesis is applicable to McEwan’s novel as highlighted through the portrayal of protagonist, Briony Tallis. In her bids to break free her acts of penance are of a egotistical nature. As a result, this inhibits her from wholly breaking free from the guilt that has been within her since the juvenile age of thirteen for accusing character Robbie of her cousin Lola’s rape. Within Young’s talk her reaction to breaking free from her disabilities…show more content…
As demonstrated in Briony’s opt to pursue the vocation of a nurse. Her egocentricity is focused upon in this facet seeing as in her viewpoint this is a sincere attempt to rid herself of her moral conscience. Nonetheless the temperament she possesses does not coincide with the inclination she adopts in hopes to aid others. However, it is to essentially withdraw her from the liability she upholds. Therefore, relating to the given AOS seeing as the way Briony has reacted conceitedly to her circumstances results in the failure to atone herself. Briony’s lack of success to break free preceding her ventures into nursing can be highlighted upon in the quote “living in the room without a…show more content…
Symbolically the door resembles Briony’s life following the state of affairs that occurred. Preceding the events, Briony’s existence acts as a constant attempt to receive penance for the culpability she consistently is aware of. In a figurative sense the only way to elude her from living within the “room” is to rid herself of her present conscience. As the room stands for the self-reproach that has been built within herself succeeding the imprisonment of Robbie. Thus the room being without a door exemplifies that for Briony she will never be provided with a straightforward escape for the feelings of guilt she encounters. The symbolism highlighted upon can also be seen, as drawing upon the relief of guilt Briony anticipates will disperse from her choosing of vocation. As shown through the “one room” which symbolises to the readers the sole pathway that she has chosen whilst also hoping it to be an optimistic prospect in her bid to

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