• What Are The Pros And Cons Of Factory Farming?

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What Are the Pros and Cons of Factory Farming? Factory farming is done as a way to mass produce large quantities of food, particularly meat, at a quicker rate than traditional farming. It sole purpose is producing the most products and gaining the most profit. But while it has offered benefits to the society, it also has its drawbacks, making it a hot button issue between proponents and opponents. Well, to come up with a well-informed decision about this methodology of farming ourselves, it is best to look at its pros and cons. Here are some of them: List of Pros of Factory Farming 1. It is affordable. The prices of food have drastically dropped with the use of factory farms due to the reason that food is produced and processed at a quicker…show more content…
Also, the locations where these farms are found provide them with low-cost labor. 3. It can offer a lot of job opportunities. Considering that factory farming requires huge operations, there is also a need of a huge number of people to work on it. The industry definitely offers a wide variety of job opportunities, as well as economic stimulation, to regions that are in desperate need of this kind of help. 4. It can provide large amounts of food for society. This agricultural method creates a farming system that is profit-based and provides human populations with the right amount of calories they need every day to live and survive. Whether it is a certain type of crop or livestock focused by the farm, products would come out of factory farms regularly. List of Cons of Factory Farming 1. It risks the occurrence of animal cruelty. Animals can fall victim to the cruel conditions of factory farming. They can be packed into incredibly small areas, which are often indoors, and fed additive ingredients for fattening. They only know such a life until they are slaughtered to be processed, which is quite

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