Huddle Park Case Study Sample

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Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion of Findings Huddle Park is a growing success and is located in the heart of Linksfield. 1)Will the status of the Huddle Park Golf Course rise due to the establishment of an upper class estate on the premises and will the surrounding residents be effected by the positives of having a luxurious golfing estate in their vicinity. Many people feel that the status of Huddle Park Golf Course would rise due to the establishment of an upper class estate on the premises. It would attract more people who live close by and will benefit the status of the neighbourhood. The status of Huddle Park Golf Course would certainly rise should the expansion take place as majority of the people interviewed feel that the…show more content…
It is important for the management to see if there would be a market for the houses as 60% of the people interviewed would consider living in the Huddle Park housing development, should they decide to expand (Figure 1). Should Huddle Park decide to expand and offer more services, more people would visit during the week as well as weekends as 80% of the people interviewed visit Huddle Park on weekends (Figure 7). Although, majority of the people interviewed visit Huddle Park around lunch time, should Huddle Park decide to expand, more and more people would visit in the night leading to more income and publicity as there would be a shopping centre with services as well as a golfing estate (Figure 6). If the expansion would take place, more services would be created which would mean that more people would spend more time per visit. This would be helpful to Huddle Park as majority of people who visit Huddle Park do so for 1-2 hours at a time (Figure 5). Majority of people visit Huddle Park once a month (Figure 8). This would certainly increase should Huddle Park decide to expand as people would be offered more services. Huddle Park could gain more income should they decide to make the pro shop more child friendly however (Image 1), majority of people who have children take them to Huddle Park to play

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