Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency

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Children are more likely to become juvenile delinquents if there is little structure provided for them in their families. According to Marianne E. Neifer, the family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refuelling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be. Therefore it is almost inevitable that children who are rejected by their parents, grow up in homes where there is always conflict/tension, or who are left unsupervised run the greatest risk of becoming delinquent. Matherne & Thomas 2001 claimed that cohesiveness within the family successfully predicts the frequency…show more content…
Trauma theories suggest that the loss of a parent has a damaging effect on children, most commonly because of the effect on attachment to the parent. Life course theories focus on separation as a long drawn out process rather than a discrete event. Selection theories argued that disrupted families are associated with delinquency because of pre-existing differences in family income or child rearing methods. The family is thus the most natural environment for human development but it is important not to over-idealize…show more content…
The lack of emphasis on the role of fathering in childhood conduct problems is especially unfortunate given that there are several reasons why fathers can be expected to be particularly significant in the initiation and persistence of offspring offending. For example, fathers are particularly likely to be involved with sons who are at higher risk than daughters of delinquent behavior (Flouri & Buchannan 2002). Popenoe (1997) states that fatherlessness is a major force behind many disturbing social problems. The institution of marriage acts as culture’s chief vehicle to bind men to their children. The absence of fathers from children’s lives is one of the most important causes related to children’s wellbeing such as increasing rates of juvenile crime, depression and eating disorders, teen suicide, and substance abuse. Two parent households provide increased supervision and surveillance of property, while single parenthood increases likelihood of delinquency and victimization simply by the fact that there is one less person to supervise adolescent behavior (Wright & Wright

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