Effects Of Aerodynamics

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Aerodynamics are used to affect the flight of hundreds of planes daily and is used to increase the speed of cars around the world. Nasa’s Dunbar and Flint Wild describe aerodynamics as the “way objects move through air”(Dunbar). Aerodynamics is made possible by the four forces of flight; lift, drag, weight, and thrust. Each is applied to every object that goes through air at any speed. These four forces are intertwined and once one changes the other also changes, more specifically if the thrust is stronger than drag the plane will speed up or if the lift is greater than the weight the plane will we heading on an upward trajectory. Each of these affect how an object stays in the air and its speed and trajectory towards its target (Hand). Thrust…show more content…
Drag is made by every part of the plane from the airfoil (wing) to the engines. To explain, NASA states “Drag is a mechanical force. It is generated by the interaction and contact of a solid body with a fluid (liquid or gas). It is not generated by a force field”(). Meaning unlike gravity without gas drag does not exist so if the plane exited Earth’s atmosphere drag would no longer have an affect on the plane. Drag requires motion either of the object or the air thus without motion there is no drag. The drag is most commonly named aerodynamic friction because the smoothness of the wing affects the amount of drag placed on the object. The effect of the shape of an object on drag is called the form drag and is named for the amount of drag on a shape of an object. The form drag is also considered to be the sum of the changes in pressure around the airfoil that have an affect on the flight. Induced drag is another form of drag it occurs when lift is produced on the airfoil and varies on airfoil size (wing size). If the airfoil is long at thin the induced drag will be small, on the contrary if the airfoil is short and has a large height the induced drag will be large and hard to control. In order to get around induced drag many airliners have produced winglets to help solve this issue. This makes drag an effect that is kept in mind when designing and producing vehicles and…show more content…
The amount of lift is based on the shape of the object, because the lift equals the amount of flow turned around the object. To better explain the greater the turning of air flow the greater the lift of the object. The angle of attack is described as the imaginary line drawn through the center of the wing and the flight direction. The angle of attack also has an affect on the lift it is known that the greater the angle the greater the lift, however if the angle is too steep the wing will stall out. So for larger angles they include a coefficient to solve the max lift of the wing. The lift has many complex equalities and each is necessary to find the amount of lift required to counter weight, which is the amount of gravity force on the object. Weight more specifically is the gravity multiplied by the mass. Through many studies and tests the best and cheapest way to test lift would be to run the object through a wind

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