Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement

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Understanding the way mechanical objects work and how all their components come together to make a functioning product captivates me. Moreover, I am passionate about the world of aviation and space, and the possibility of combining these two topics into Aerospace Engineering enthrals me. When I visited MBDA Missile Systems, an Aerospace company, my aspiration to pursue a career within the Aerospace Industry was confirmed. The application of theoretical knowledge, the element of practical disciplines and the way in which new improvements are applied within the industry is something I am keen to be involved with. Through attending Farnborough Air show I know that the aerospace industry is vast and changing. I am keen to develop a greater understanding of current innovations within the field. In particular during my undergraduate studies I look forward to learning more about aerodynamics, I am aware that in the first year I will embark on a study of all engineering…show more content…
In ICT I have developed my analytical skills this will prove beneficial when making decisions in coursework and group work. Law has helped me improve my essay writing techniques, and also extended my vocabulary which will be useful when writing reports at university. Through studying Mathematics and Physics I have secured a range of technical skills which will be the foundation for my degree. One of my biggest academic achievements is going from a limited science background at the start of my A-level studies, to gaining a B grade in AS-Level Physics, I was able to do this without any extra support from my teachers. I believe this demonstrates that I can adapt to different circumstances and shows my ability to study independently. I enjoy using my analytical skills to address problems. I trust I will be able to utilise these skills throughout my

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