Edward Kelly Hero

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Edward Kelly was a famous bushranger who has been remembered as a great hero, fighting for justice but for some may has been revered as an outlaw, committing treason against the government. He was an overall courageous figure who stood up to the corrupt authorities but was sadly executed for his act of bravery despite many petitions. A bushranger is an adventure who does illegal trades in the outbush for survival. An act of treason would happen when a group of people rebel against the government and defy the law. He was a loyal and just man who took care of his loved ones and changed many people's lives for the better. His life as an outlaw was forced by the deceitful Victorian police and so the actions that he took were all for the good of…show more content…
In 1865, he went out of his way to save a boy from drowning in his early life and received a scarf of honour for his heroism. Kelly was completely sincere and put himself out there for the citizens in need. The honourable adventurer in his early life was imprisoned for many criminal acts for which he didn’t commit such as horse stealing and robbery incidents as well as other assaults which were dismissed. Ever since the night at the Kelly’s farm, he was subject to constant bullying by the police and instead of backing down, he stood up for the ideals of the nation. He went through many hardships but never had given up. ‘I do not pretend that I have led a blameless life, or that one fault justifies another, but the public in judging a case like mine should remember that…(Kelly, 1880)’ men are made mad by bad treatment. Even the darkest life may have a bright side and so be justified. With this knowledge, he was simply a victim to the unlawful authorities who didn’t stop attempting to bring the icon…show more content…
It had been justified in his witness statement letter in Jerilderie. ‘His Jerilderie Letter evokes resistance more than crime: it protests at injustice and hints at a republic in north-east Victoria (Gammage, 2001).’ Ned indeed had a reckless life but was the innocent one, who fought injustice and cruelty through the struggle for everyone’s rights. The actions that he offered were for the love of his country and for the goodness in his heart. The man of strength and courage took a sense of destiny, evoking inequity and attempting to bring about righteousness in people’s lives. In the December after the bush event, him and his mates raided a local bank at Euroa and destroyed all of the town’s mortgage deeds there. Kelly rebelled and did poor crimes but also, had given citizens the freedom they deserved. He believed in loyalty, mateship, respect and dignity and aimed to live in a democratic society. In his last stand against the police, innocent people were carelessly shot and he had no-one left to look after. Justice was not served. ‘Ned Kelly was found guilty...’ ‘...and was executed on 11 Nov, despite a petition for mercy signed by 60,000 people (Larkins, 1980).’ His behaviour definitely can be excused as it was heroic and fair, not monstrous nor

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