Education In The Ninetieth Century

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In the time period of the ninetieth century, a greater number of the Asian Empires change from the early modern period to the modern era. There were lots of different reasons for this transition. In the early modern period, a great number of the Asian countries were under the dictatorship of kings, principles and governing conduct. You can say that the citizens had no rights. These countries were underdeveloped and no industries. Majority of the people were unable to read. The education system was old, and the schools were restricted in numbers. They did not have any kind of communication with the other world. The difference between these countries and the European countries were that the Asian countries were advance in every way. When colonialism…show more content…
Reforms were introduced in the education sector to continue to possess a particular quality of people who stay loyal to these countries and can help in administration work since it was not economically feasible to employ foreign nationals in the job. Schools and colleges were opened, education giving to the people and these countries objective achieve in short term. Asian people in the process earn the chance to study the literature of the Europeans. They become to know about their rights. Countless got inspired by the French revolution and American revolutions. People of Asian countries got the chance to visit the European countries, where they observed the advancement of these countries that are more ahead than their countries. When these people return from their visit they share their experienced, with other local people, as a result, they demanded similar type of economic and political rights from these countries. At first, these countries opposed the demands of these people and were forced to come with reforms. Similarly, these countries also introduced the judicial and administrative reforms in Asian countries, similar reforms to the European…show more content…
And they had lots of both. Both empires relied heavily, for their wealth and stability, on taxes derived from agriculture. They both benefitted from thriving manufacturing sectors—Indian cotton and indigo, and Chinese silk and porcelain. But rulers paid little attention to and had minimal control over the new and rising merchant classes as the global economy brought more trade and wealth from the oceans. And for both, their lack of imperial sea power contributed eventually to their downfall. When European ships armed with the latest cannons sailed into the Indian Ocean in the 16th century they found it

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