Columbian Exchange Research Paper

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“The Columbian Exchange” The Columbian Exchange was the period of cultural and biological changes between the new and old world. There was a widespread exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technology. This exchange transformed the European and Native American ways of life. It also affected social and cultural makeup of both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The arrival of people coming from several countries such as Europe and Africa brought contact within the new world. It was the backbone of the way people lived, what they ate and how they died. Due to the fact that immune systems were not yet strengthened, diseases such as measles and small pox affected several people. The exchange began in 1492 following Columbus’ discovery, and…show more content…
Being that the American inhabitants were not accustomed to the sicknesses, there were several causalities. When the east inhabitants settled in America, they weren’t aware that they were bringing sickness and disease. The east had never had trouble with being sick because they had grown immunities after living with it for so long. Sicknesses like smallpox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, influenza, chicken pox, and typhus, were introduced by sailors. Extreme cold had lessened the possibility of sickness that traveled with the westerners. Due to this, youths and adults alike were severely affected wave after wave of epidemic. This produced a greatness of deaths. Since much of the American population had been stripped, the region’s ecological and economic balance was rocked. Between 1492 and 1650, 90 percent of the original Americans had died. That being said, this was considered one of the largest demographic disasters in human…show more content…
The production of rice and cotton, both imported in the Columbian Exchange, together with tobacco, formed the basis of slave society in the United States. Wheat, which thrived in the temperate latitudes of North and South America and in the highlands of Mexico, eventually became a basic food crop for tens of millions of people in the Americas. By the late 20th century, millions of people were being fed by wheat exports from America, drastically changing the economy of the Americas. Still the Native Americans preferred their own food, over the food brought to them by the Eurasians from the east. However, when it came to animals, the Native Americans gladly borrowed from the Eurasian stables. There was a variety of useful animals including horses, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. There were domesticated llamas and alpacas in the high Andes before Columbus, but no animals over 100 pounds because larger animals were not suitable for domestication. While having plenty of good food crops available before 1492, Native Americans had very few animals suitable for domestication, aside from llamas, alpacas, dogs, turkeys, and guinea

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