EPM Limitations

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LIMITATIONS/WEAKNESSES Rajashree Mustafi (2008) proposed that there are seven negative impacts or the limitations of EPM system. The three most important limitations are privacy intrusion, stress and performance. The first one is privacy intrusion. The EPM system is said to be intruded the staff’s privacy. Alder and Tompkins (1997) stated that there were many staff claimed that they felt file they were harassed by their own managers with the help of the system. It is because, in some countries, the surveillance cameras were also being put up in a dressing room just to monitor the staff and get information. The staff felt like their dignity has been compromised by their own managers with the help of the system. Even though the monitoring…show more content…
Critics of the practice claim it is detrimental because it leads to increased worker stress. Due to the stress electronic monitoring may lead to, some have referred to monitoring as an "electronic whip," whereas others have referred to monitored workplaces as electronic sweatshops. There is a significant amount of empirical evidence that supports the claim that monitoring may increase stress. In a survey of 700 employees from 49 companies, conducted by the Massachusetts Coalition on New Office Technology, 81% said monitoring made their job more stressful. Similarly, a NIOSH investigation found that highly monitored workers exhibited a higher degree of depression, anxiety, instability, fatigue, and anger than did non-monitored workers. These investigations were supported by a study conducted by the University of Wisconsin and the Communication Workers of America (CWA) that compared the attitudes of monitored workers to those of unmonitored workers. This investigation revealed three important results. First, 81% of the monitored employees reported being depressed, as opposed to 69% of those not monitored. Second, of those monitored, 72% felt extreme anxiety, compared to only 57% of those who were not monitored. Finally, 57% of employees who were monitored by the number of keystrokes they entered complained of sore wrists, a ratio double the rate of un-monitored…show more content…
in addition to increasing employee stress, the practice hurts organizational performance by forcing workers to sacrifice quality and service. As with stress and anxiety arguments, those espousing this point of view are able to rely on several empirical investigations that indicate monitoring may adversely impact productivity and quality. One such study (Grant, Higgins, & Irving, 1988) compared the behaviour of monitored workers to that of unmonitored workers performing the same task in a service sector firm. This investigation found that the use of electronic performance monitoring encouraged employees to focus on the quantity of work produced and to sacrifice customer service. In addition, it found that monitoring led to eroded teamwork and cooperation. Another investigation into the impact of electronic monitoring in several telecommunication organizations revealed that, due to monitoring standards, directory assistance operators felt they could not provide the high-quality service they wanted to (Aiello, 1993). Similarly, the Massachusetts Coalition on New Office Technology study referred to previously discovered that 65% of those surveyed reported that they could not do a quality job because monitoring practices forced them to work too fast (Ross,

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