Dynamic Characters In The Prestige

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In the film The Prestige, Christopher Nolan creates interesting and dynamic characters by illustrating what it’s like to become your own enemy. He does this by making the character, Robert Angier, go against his morals to feed his own obsession. After Angier’s wife Julia dies, he becomes obsessed with finding out the secrets to his work partner, Alfred Borden’s disappearing man trick. Angier’s makes an attempt to override Borden’s trick, by pursing an illusion without using real magic. Angier’s then struggles with a supernatural conflict, in order to make the trick believable. Angier’s pushes aside his morals and relationships to embrace the success and the audience’s applause. Borden struggles with identity change, with having to share the same identity with his twin Fallon. Both Angier and Borden were obsessed with secrets, making them resent each other and be full of hatred not just for each other, but for others around then.…show more content…
He’s willing to go against everything he believes in, and even go against the love for his wife, to find out the secrets of Borden’s trick. Angier becomes obsessed with winning, and understanding how the trick works. Because of his actions, his wife dies while assisting him with his performance and he ruins relationships with people who are trying to help him. Angier’s is a very dynamic character; his perspective drastically changes from the beginning of the film to the end. He loses his passion for performing magic and entertaining the audience and because of this, he only cares about the applause that the audience gives him in the end, which he never truly

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