Illegal immigrants in America are dealing with a more prevalent threat of being deported due to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. When immigrants act out of order in society, their actions exemplify stereotypes implemented by ignorant people who believe immigrants are “murderers, rapists and drug dealers”. As stated by Donald Trump in one of his interviews, this belief gives a bad name to all the hard working immigrants in America pursuing the American dream. Donald trump’s plan to deal
Nguyen, Hoan History A175 M 6:00 - 9:00 Annotated Bibliography Thesis: “In the 2015 GOP debate, Donald Trump claimed that Mexico is sending their criminals to the United States to commit crimes against U.S. citizens. In reality, immigrants from Mexico and crimes being committed by them have not taken a noticeable increase.” Barrera, Ana Gonzalez, and Jens Manuel Krogstad. "What We Know about Illegal Immigration from Mexico." Pew Research Center RSS. Pew Research Center, 15 July 2015. Web. 14 Sept. 2015
America, because politicians became aware of its strong impact on political communication and mobilizitation. Political campaigns are nowadays subjected to rigorous linguistic and discourse analysis. Thus, politicians hire professionals to carry out their political campaign. The political campaign of Donald Trump was a subject of many analyses including his non-verbal behaviour. He has been often criticised for his expressive behaviour characterised with goggling, the “zipped” smile and his “alpha-male”