Diversity Nvq 2

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1.1; Define what is meant by; Diversity- Means recognising, valuing and taking account of different people's skills, backgrounds, needs, knowledge and experiences. Diversity is about encouraging and using those differences to create a hard community and effective workforce. Equality- Means treating everyone fairly and respectfully and recognising their needs as an individual. It is about addressing existing disadvantages affecting how people participate in society. Inclusion- is about positively determined to meet the needs of different people and taking thoughtful action to create environments where everyone feels respected and able to achieve their full potential. Discrimination- Negative biases develop against people who are different.…show more content…
It is important to consider that individuals may knowledge disadvantage and oppression, also known as multiple or dual discrimination, because of a number of factors e.g. by individual or groups of individuals: bullying, excluding others, provocations; on the basis of: Age, gender, religious beliefs, language, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, Not giving the access to buildings and services for individuals who are on wheelchairs. Direct discrimination can also be identified as overt discrimination. All discrimination includes treating individuals unfairly because of one of their protected…show more content…
2.1; list key legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination in adult social care setting. There are several pieces of legislation that chains the principles of a number of previous acts. The purpose of this act is to join many of the principles of previous pieces of legislation to make it easier to understand, in places to promote equality and reduce the discrimination, such as; • Employment Equality Regulations 2003 • Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 • The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 • The Human Rights Act 1998 • Age discrimination act 1975 The principles of many other acts have also decided to create another act that is known as ‘The Equality Act 2010’. This act is described as how the individual should experience equality of the opportunity in the society and there are also a number of safe characteristics that are helping safeguard people from discrimination. This act (Equality) also provides protection for people who have experienced discrimination by association, so that the career of the individual is also safe. The act also provides information of an individual to make it easy for the managers to understand the individual’s responsibilities in relation to equality (equal) opportunities and access to the service users. However, this act has been also created so that the individual and the support organisations

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