Degenerative Diseases In The Philippines

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It is information that will lead the victim into wrong beliefs, habits or patterns of living. In Chapter 2, I will tackle a lot of misinformation that lead millions of Filipinos into the ravine of unplanned diseases and early deaths. When we were created by our creator, diseases were not part of it. When you were born, even from parent with genes of hypertension, cancers or any degenerative diseases, you were healthy and you didn’t have that so called hereditary diseases. But my patients keep on asking me, why is it that I develop same disease with my father or mother as I grow older? Is it true that this is hereditary and that I have no choice but to maintain these drugs for life? My response will always be a big NO. Degenerative diseases…show more content…
In the Himalayas Mountains, we can find the Inca tribe, one of the oldest groups of people in the world that have ever lived. What is notable is that these people grow their own food, eat raw and natural food, they don’t take medicines and rely only on their body’s natural healing ability. Amazingly, these people lived for more than a hundred years and died only of old age. As time passes by, our lifestyle evolved and drastically changed. Our eating and drinking habits adapted to different food process particularly, the chemical-based food. Technology also affects not just positively but negatively. It disturbs our lifestyle, sleeping habit, rest and recreation. Given with modernization, scientific advancements and revolutionary technology, the researches and global convergence of health strategies through World Health Organization (WHO), lifestyle diseases are still on the rise and victimize millions across the globe. Until now health authorities in this country said that there are no cures for lifestyle diseases. Thus, a patient must maintain drugs till…show more content…
The agency which, from its creation, has been successful in promoting herbal remedies for lifestyle diseases like diabetes (using ampalaya), hypertension(using bawang) and arthritis (using pansit-pansitan) human parasites (niyog-niyugan) and many more. However, just recently, public patronage and consumption of herbal medicine is limited due to promotional ads believed to be influenced by drug makers. When herbal processors and food supplement manufacturers utilize the medicinal plants as ingredients, they must pass through the eye of the needle in order to get the approval of FDA thus limiting its production and competition. As an Inventor and Herbalist I personally experienced the harsh treatment in the processing of papers despite of the fact that I am a patent holder of an herbal process or formula eight years ago. I even seek the help of DOST-TAPI for the guidelines of my invention and letters were sent to FDA for guidelines of herbal eyewash, unfortunately, the FDA has no

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