Difference Between Implicit And Implicit Cost

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1.) “Implicit costs represent the opportunity cost of using resources already owned by the firm while explicit costs are out of pocket a cost that is payments that are actually made” (Open Stax, Rice University, chap 7.1). Differences between Implicit Cost and Explicit Costs: - Implicit costs occur indirectly making its measurement subjective while explicit costs are objective in nature because it is actually incurred. - With implicit costs, it is not reported or recorded to management whilst explicit costs are recorded and reported to management. - Implicit costs aid in the calculation of economic profit and does not have any paper trail whilst explicit costs aid in the calculation of both economic profit and accounting profit and also…show more content…
The explicit costs are tuition, room and board, books, transportation, food etc. The implicit costs of attending university would typically be the amount of time you would have to spend revising, studying, attending lectures instead of having a job or leisure time. What you have lost and could have been doing are the implicit costs. 2.) Difference between Accounting and Economic Profit: “Accounting profit is a cash concept. It means total revenue minus explicit costs- the difference between dollars brought in and dollars paid out. Economic profit is a total revenue minus total cost, including both explicit and implicit costs” (Open Stax, Rice University, chap 7.1). Therefore one can simply realize that accounting focuses on explicit costs and revenues and economics focuses on both implicit and explicit costs and revenues. - Accounting profits include developmental costs, leased assets, non-cash transactions for depreciation, allowances etc. while economic profits involves inflation, opportunity costs , tax and interest rates, residual value etc. Two examples of when they differ: a.) If an earring company has $200,000 in revenues and $80,000 in explicit costs, its accounting profit would be…show more content…
Yet if the business did not maximize their earning potential and could have earned an extra $250.00, then the firm’s economic profit would only amount to $250.00. 3.) Difference between Economies and Diseconomies of Scale: “Economies of scale refers to the situation where, as the quantity of output goes up, the cost per unit goes down. Diseconomies of scale is the long-run average cost of producing each individual unit increases as total output increases” (Open Stax, Rice University, chap 7.3). Production exhibits economies of scale when long-run average total costs decrease as output increases and production exhibits diseconomies of scale when long-run average total costs increase as output increases. Examples of when an actual firm might benefit from economies of scale or be harmed by diseconomies of scale: Economies of scale: If producing 40,000 DVDs cost a firm $16 million dollars ($400 each). But producing 200,000 DVDs costs the firm $40 million ($200 each), between 40,000 and 200,000 units. The production of DVDs exhibits significant economies of scale. One can say that there are increasing returns to

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