William Shakespeare’s Hamlet explores the intricacies of authority-based relationships, such as those between parent and child. Prince Hamlet of Demark loses his father two months prior to the start of the play, and the narrative consists of his struggles in dealing with this loss. King Hamlet’s untimely death prevents the natural decline of filial admiration and leaves Price Hamlet with an idolized view of his father. This idolization negatively affects both Hamlet’s values and actions. King Fortinbras
perfection. She is idolized for her sexuality and encourages little girls to become materialistic; much like the roles of women in the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet, women are seen in a derogatory and misogynistic way. Hamlet captures the relationships and the struggle for identity during a time of great loss among the castle of Elsinore. The play stems from the murder of the beloved King Hamlet and the remarriage of Queen Gertrude to King Hamlet’s brother Claudius. The Prince of Denmark spends a great