Diaspora Studies

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The present study aims at focusing and analysing various issues related diaspora study. The paper traces the theoretical examination of the diasporic concerns and how these issues on socio-political literay grounds affect an individual and entire diaspora community. The term ‘diaspora’ since its use in the post modern era has been proliferated and explored with variety of perspectives. It traces historical, political, social, anthropological and literary aspects of a nation adopted by the diasporic community and the nation they left behind (homeland). The proliferation of the meaning of the term diaspora lies in the forced dispersion of Jews. Since last two decades, the term diaspora has attained an epistemological recognition with the exploration…show more content…
In this phase of diaspora study, he talks about the use of the term in the classical sense of the Jewish diaspora. Initially in this phase, studies were associated with experience one of the original diasporas-Jewish diasporas (force migration) while in the later stage, studies related to other diaspora were also studied. The study of the Indian diaspora or indentured labourers can also be included in this phase of diaspora studies. In short, at that point of time the term diaspora was associated with the groups of people uprooted or moved forcefully from the country of their origin and living in a destitute condition in the adopted…show more content…
In this phase of the diaspora study, the use of the term was forwarded to the sociological study of diaspora. The use of the term, in the words of William Safaran, was as ‘a Metaphoric designation’. For him, the word diaspora implied different categories of people like, ‘expatriates, expellees, political refuses, alien residents, immigrants and ethnic and racial minorities.’ (Safaran, 83) The third phase of the diaspora studies uses the term in the modern context. With the emergence of studies related to migration and globalisation, the term diaspora achieved multifaceted exploration and criticism. Along with the socio-ethno-cultural studies of diaspora, studies related to nostalgia and homeland revealed a new understanding of human phenomena. In addition to this, the problems like identity crisis and searching for identity have also been identified by the literary critics. The post-modern time period is considered to be the fourth phase of diaspora studies. In the present scenario of the twenty first century, the term diaspora passed through various aspects of the exploration. In this so called globalized world, the phenomena of migration became frequent and normal for the human beings. People usually started migrating for better life prospects or better life
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