Dialectics In Isaac Newton's Law Of Science

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During this week’s lecture, dialectics was the central concept that was thoroughly examined. Dialectics is an art form that delves into the reasoning behind development and change. Relating the concept of dialectics to history, it can be said that each historical era transforms and develops over time. Dialectics has a relationship to scientific exploration as well. Looking at science, two forces exist: external forces and internal forces. An example of an external force is Isaac Newton’s Law of Motion that was generated in 1687. An example of an internal force is also related to motion; However, these forces are different because they are created by internal contradictions. The first premise of the internal contradiction related to motion…show more content…
A rock is surprisingly a strong example of this premise. When an individual looks at a rock, their first thought is most likely that a rock does not move unless it is physically moved by a person or another object. Contrary to such belief, a rock does move and change slowly due to its molecular composition. Although certain objects would appear motionless, as was a rock, they are in fact in motion. Furthering in the discussion of motion, objects develop in two ways. First, they develop quantitatively which means they develop by degree. Second, the object will slowly develop qualitatively because the object will begin to change its form. Once an object has developed qualitatively, it will still keep features from its preceding state, yet it will also be distinct. This process of change is self-negating and paradoxical, which is why motion is seen as an internal contradiction. A great example that encompasses the development of motion is the process of a seed and how it changes both quantitatively and qualitatively, which was…show more content…
The many-headed hydra is composed of any individual who depends on a wage. Therefore, the individuals of the EDF 255 class are considered to fall under the ideology. The development of America was greatly influenced by various countries across the world. The first country that impacted the beliefs held in America was Greece. Hercules, son of Zeus, a Greek God and hero played a role in early history in 1607, when the English were beginning to settle in Jamestown. British imperialists, who came to power through diplomacy and military force, believed in the ideology of Hercules as a unifier for the individuals in the British empire. In Ancient Greece, Hercules was said to have twelve labors. In early America, the “labor of Hercules” integrated agricultural development, domestication of livestock, clearing land, advanced technology, and economic development. The discovery of the manifest destiny, a laborious accomplishment, was viewed as the will of God from a colonialist perspective, and in 1776 John Adams petitioned for Hercules to be a part of the official seal of the United States. The food for thought question is why did the English colonizers look to Greece? Well, in the eleventh century, the Catholic Church was struggling for power, just as the “white” persons of the seventeenth

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