Brand Luxury Index: A Review: The Brand Luxury Index

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Theoretical frame work: The Brand Luxury Index (BLI) designed by Franck Vigneron and Lester W. Johnson in 2004 is a scale to measure the different aspects of what makes a brand luxurious. The model measures how luxurious a brand is, through personal and non-personal oriented. First non-personal oriented perceptions: perceived Conspicuousness: is defined as the image associated with consuming a luxury item. perceived Uniqueness: the scarcity of items highly reflects on the preference towards a brand, and perceived quality: Product quality is a vital element for the sustainability of a brands prominence. Second the personal oriented perceptions are: perceived extended self: this means a brand is utilised by the consumer to showcase the type…show more content…
The online retailing sector is growing at a very fast pace, however it currently only accounts for around seven percent of the total retail market, with the fashion and accessories category acquiring the most revenue (Laudon & Traver, 2017). The layout of a website highly influences the consumer’s judgement of the merchandise they offer (Kim, et al., 2015), this is immensely necessary for luxury brands to recognise,…show more content…
Emulating a high-end store experience, online is not an easy task to excel at, this could be the initial reason for luxury brands being reluctant to sell online, as for luxury clients (Chevalier & Mazzalovo, 2008). Interesting to note that the same group of people can be exposed to the same visual experience, yet perceive it differently (Rice, 1997). Part of the main services provided by a luxury brand are the ambience and facilities provided in store, for instance having the ability to crucially examine a product prior to purchase is a vital element of decision making for their market (Fionda & Moore, 2009) (Liu, et al., 2013). A client’s comprehensiveness of a web site’s layout largely affects their shopping experience, and reflects the feel of the brand (Demangeot & Broderick,

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