Describe The Benefits Of Kale

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I found this recipe on the Food Network. Kale is the main focus of this salad and is healthy, light and loaded with flavor. Kale ranks high as being one of the most nutrient rich foods that is loaded with antioxidants. What does that mean? That means that kale should be a regular part of your diet because it nourishes your body with Vitamins A, K, C, B6, B1, B2, B3, Iron, Mangesium, Calcium, Copper, and Potassium. While you are nourishing your body kale provides antioxidants that help fight the aging process, cancer, high blood pressure, inflammation and tests results have shown kale is also an anti-depressant. Other ingredients in this recipe include: Olive Oil which is a monounsaturated fat Apples improve neurological health, prevent dementia

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