Depression In Catcher In The Rye

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Many people have fears about growing up and how they will live as adults. They are unwilling to give up the past and accept the arduous reality of the adult world. Holden Caulfield is one of these people. J.D. Salinger’s novel, “The Catcher in the Rye”, illustrates Holden’s activities over three days throughout New York City as he attempts to protect his own innocence. In the novel Holden is always depressed not only because of the circumstances but also because of what happened in the past. Due to Holden dealing with his brother Allie's death, his expulsion out of four schools, including Pencey, and his inability to establish a successful love life with Jane Gallagher; Holden is changed by past disappointments which leads him to be socially…show more content…
The main cause of Holden’s depression is likely to be his brother’s death. Holden was very connected with his brother Allie and Allie looked up to him as an older brother. In Chapter 14, Holden regrets a moment in the past that occurred with his brother Allie. At that time Holden used to always talk to Allie, especially when he was depressed. However this time, when him and his friend were leaving he told Allie to go back home rather than letting him stay. “Boy, I felt miserable. I felt so depressed, you can't imagine. What I did, I started talking, sort of out loud, to Allie.”(Salinger, 53). The connection here is that Holden doesn’t accept the fact that Allie isn’t coming back and that he is dead. However, when he is talking with Phoebe, his sister, in Chapter 22, he speaks to Ally as if he were still present and Phoebe feels the need to remind him that their brother is dead. “I like Allie, I said. “And I like doing what I am doing right now, sitting here with you and Allie… “Allie’s dead -- you always say that!” (Salinger, 92). It's as if Holden can’t consistently accept Allie's death. This exemplifies how Holden’s past has led him to become mentally and emotionally
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