Dementia In The Film 'The Notebook'

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Dementia is defined as global impairment of cognitive function that is usually progressive and that interferes with normal social and occupational activities (Nazarko 32). Nearly everyone in society today has encountered an individual with dementia, or they have seen these symptoms morph into the well-known disease, Alzheimer’s, whether it be in reality or on the big screen. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have become particularly popular in the television and film industry when the story involves an older adult. My goal is to prove the discrepancies portrayed in the film, The Notebook, in relation to Dementia turned Alzheimer’s as well as the realities between this disease and one’s ability to communicate. Dementia turned Alzheimer’s It is…show more content…
It is hard for Alzheimer’s patients to communicate effectively as the disease progresses, and eventually some even become mute (Harwood 31-32). Disorientation is often a part of the disease, and the patient may forget where he or she is or who is supposed to take care of them. This disorientation can lead to outbursts of anger as well (32). The film, The Notebook, exposes us to this awful disease, but it is in a mild and glamourized fashion. Ally is indeed an Alzheimer’s patient, but her portrayal shields viewers from the reality of how detrimental is can be to one’s ability to communicate…show more content…
The Notebook tells a beautiful story of a man who loves his wife so much that he would give up his life to help her to become aware of their life if even more a moment. Alzheimer’s is a disease that robs individuals of their ability to communicate effectively (Jootun and McGhee 44). Communication allows individuals to voice their needs, wishes, and feelings which in turn maintains their quality of life and allows them to keep some sense of identity (41). It is the medical staff’s job to pick up the slack that Alzheimer’s causes (41). Nurses are the gateway to communication for these patients, and it is vital that nurses understand their roll in communication and engaging with those suffering from this disease (41). This film does not portray Alzheimer’s as the disease that robs one of communication and well-being, but it portrays it as simply the disease that robs an individual of their memory. Memory loss is extremely serious, but in the grand scheme of things, being unable to recall a person is not anything compared to losing communicative function. The nurses portrayed in the film are simply there to help Ally walk, schedule appointments, or get her meals. The film undermines the medical community completely. It also unrealistically portrays nursing facilities as a place that is able to support a perfectly healthy spouse. Nursing facilities are expensive as a patient as well as a business. The film, The Notebook, is a

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