Delta Electronics Case Study

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Taking domestic electronics manufacturing to the next level OR Efficient electronics manufacturing enabled by the right technology provider NMTronics helps Delta Electronics to achieve economies of large scale, coupled with faster output times and maximum efficiency Delta Electronics is a leading player in the EMS segment, known for its high precision equipment and state-of-art technology. Delta India has state-of-art R&D centres located across the country, which cater to the myriad needs of the electronics industry. Besides working on core products and applications, the company is working on complete solutions for smart grid as well as automotive applications. The company has five plants located in Uttarakhand which cater to different…show more content…
The company has helped ease production hiccups at Delta and also offered a long term assurance of quality, which is crucial in this highly competitive segment. Specialising in the production of LED panel drivers and LED mounting components, Delta Electronics has evolved into a key player in the field of LED manufacturing. And it is SMT machines from NMTronics that Delta operates on. While CFLs remain a part of the product portfolio of the company, Delta intends to focus more on LEDs, which are poised to witness high growth in the years to come. Delta Electronics has been associated with NMTronics for the past four months. Initially, the company purchased one machine from NMTronics. It recently ordered two more, of which, one has already been installed and the other will be installed shortly. Overall, these three machines at Delta’s EMS facility will have 10 modules from…show more content…
This, coupled with excellent after sales service, compelled Delta Electronics to go ahead with two more SMT machines from NMTronics. The company claims that these machines help in reducing the downtime considerably. The efficiency is high and the precise engineering offers a high quality end product. OEMs today demand this level of precision across all product ranges. The scale of manufacturing is also higher than other machines. Earlier, achieving economies of scale was an area of concern for Delta Electronics. With the introduction of NMTronics’ SMT machines, higher levels of productivity could be achieved at a faster rate. The higher automation levels in these machines lead to less use of manpower, while compact designs make them easy to use and save valuable floor space within the factory. Major challenges

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