Dead Sea Scrolls

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Scrolls 1 THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS Sometimes called, QUMRAN CAVE SCROLLS The most profound discovery of the 20th century came in late 1947. Mamu Do Wolf one of two Bedouin shepherd boys from the tribe of Ta'amira looking for lost goats among the Qumran hills, west of the Dead Sea, South, of Jericho. Throwing rock into a cave they heard an unusual sound of broken pottery. Upon entering the cave they found in the broken jars, scrolls which soon later proved to date back to the 1st & 2nd century B.C. The boys took 11 leather scrolls back to their father thinking the leather was of some value. The father then took them to a shoemaker nicknamed “Kando”, in Jerusalem, who realized the value of these scrolls. He in turn took them to the Archbishop of the St. Marks Orthodox Monastery in Jerusalem. Farther investigation found more than 800 scrolls, three of these turned out to be an almost complete Hebrew manuscripts of Isaiah. This manuscripts was…show more content…
Portions of the Bible are found in over 170 different manuscripts. Many other Hebrew writing of the life and times of the Jews were found which led to the insight of their every day living. There may be many more found that I an not aware of, as the scholars in Jerusalem are still working on the scrolls. In a recent class I took at Lee University on “Biblical Archaeology” under the professorship of Dr. Bryan Peterson, who covered many of the latest discoveries, and he will be contribution a article for this studies later, he will cover his on hand work at some of the archaeology digging in Israel. During this class Dr. Peterson invited a colleague of his Dr. Scott Stripling, who lectured on the his work in Jerusalem and specifically the temple Mound. After the class I had the privilege of discussing the excavation by the Islam Cleric under the Temple Mound. In a later sturdy I will cover some of the problems on the jurisdiction of the Temple

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