David Brody's Visualizing American Empire

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David Brody’s Visualizing American Empire is the least bit traditional. It differs from the typical political themes, and focuses more on the visual and cultural characteristics. Brody does an exemplary job at illustrating the social and cultural effect of American culture on Filipinos. Most literary works of the same time period focused more on the political aspects. David Brody did a great job at capturing historical events, and effects that occurred. His use of maps, public—spectacles, photographs, and visuals certainly heightened his impact as an author. There were certain things that I disliked about the book, such as the sort of American Bias stand point. Visualizing American Empire opens with Brody evaluating the writings, and historical findings of Charles Longfellow and his son Henry Longfellow during their trip to Asia in the 1870’s. Brody surveys Longfellow’s body tattoos, and photographs further evoking his interest with orientalism in the late 1900’s American culture. Which prompted the U.S to pursue the Philippines, for imperial matters. In the 2nd chapter, Brody expands his realm from the small scape of a private collector, to a…show more content…
Also the imperial homecoming parade in honor of Admiral George Dewey. Thus justifying the imperial possession post Spanish-American war of 1898. This very metaphoric suitable of the Orient is best epitomized by Brody’s example in the novel, President Taft’s interior design of the white house utilizing oriental elegance. Thus explaining my like for Brody’s exemplary use of analytical modes of examining probable explanations. Each section or chapter of the novel stands alone in a sense, summarizing various ways Americans redefined themselves in reference to the imperial undertaking. The only thing I disliked about his particular way of doing so, is his reasoning or impact was difficult for me to

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