Dante's Inferno Literary Analysis

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The Inferno is a divine comedy about an imaginary journey whom a man named Dante and his guide Virgil experience together. This expedition is through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, and it shows the punishments for any man who denied the Lord's divine plan. Dante's Inferno challenges possibly the most contradicted issues in all of the world- good and evil. Although, humanity has it's different opinions about what's right and wrong, everybody is morally flawed; therefore Dante took this journey to gain spiritual balance, and learn about himself through the lives of the sinners. In the beginning of the story, Dante exists as a very simple character who, like many of us, lost his way in the path of life because sin hindered his path to God. "Master,…show more content…
Sin is a part of life. Why should there even be a Heaven if we are all doomed from the start? Hell is for the sinners who do not wish to change while they are on Earth, and unlike Dante, they do not get spirtiual guidance by someone like Virgil to see their fate if they don't change their ways. "Virgil explains all this and reproaches Dante: how can he hesitate longer when such heavenly powers are concerned for him, and Virgil himself has promised to lead him safely? Dante understands at once that such forces cannot fail him, and his spirits rise in joyous anicipation". At the start of Dante's journey he was full of fear and anxiety, but after a little bit of reasurance from Virgil, he realizes he has been given a gift and not a punishment. Dante learns that sin is a naturaly occuring demon we must all battle every day. Humans self-reflect everyday. This means that we think about a particular situation given to us and how it effects us as a person or how we will react to it because of who we are. In the beginning of the poem, Dante is unsure of who he is due to reasons unknown, although he could just be going through a phase like all humans do, or it could have something to do with the loss of his true love,

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