Culture Fit Case Study

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For Culture Fit, a social enterprise thrive in an ethical, transformational and empowering culture and leadership style, which foster the employees’ satisfaction, motivation, commitment and intention to stay. Work ethics are typically characterized by commitment and intention to stay. A good fit with the organizational culture and leadership style must not be underestimated, as it may not be a natural consequence of the social mission fit. Every organization has unique cultural characteristics, aspects, and a special style of working as a team as the book said. It is said that senior managers are likely be recruited from larger corporations, it is difficult for them and the organization to ensure cultural fit when recruiting them. The book…show more content…
It is important that the members of the management team or the organization team need to be able to work together well with the founder in terms of the personality, skill and attitude as well as loyalty to the founder and the founder’s achievements. To compose a strong and effective leadership team, senior managers should complement the particular strength and weaknesses. They need synergy at the work place because often the founder of a social venture is more creative and visionary than organized and attentive details. Finally in recruitment as a social missioned venture it is important to recruit candidates that are won over by immaterial rewards related to the mission, but also by organizational culture and flexibility of working…show more content…
This consist of two elements, one relates to balancing conflicting demand from the often multiple roles and aligning the daily work with actual strengths and preferences to ensure highest effectiveness as well as motivation while the other is that this challenge is about integrating differing, often conflicting stakeholder interests inside and outside of the organization. Balancing responsibilities and focusing, whats unique about social entrepreneurs is that they go far beyond their duties as leaders and managers of a single organization to achieve their mission. They also sometimes relentlessly advocate for their cause on any suitable occasion to achieve broader systematic change. Often, when increasing growth and acclaim comes more responsibility to represent the organization on a multitude of occasions related to. In the book survey says, balancing responsibilities at the main organization is often hard and a key challenge of a social enterprise. As the book said, social entrepreneurs are confused between different aspects of their multi-faceted leadership roles, they often have a hard time focusing on doing specifically or mainly what they are good at and also enjoy what they are doing. In addition of what the book said, new foundation’s founders often tend to take over whichever responsibilities and tasks are not filled yet by suitable candidate of team
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