Criminal Profiling

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Introduction According to a psychological profile, the IQ level of caught serial killers is above the average value that equals approximately 150 that is very close to the level of genius. Actually, the issue of a psychological profile of serial killers is global, because this method used in many countries such as United States and Australia, Canada and England, Finland and the Netherlands, Singapore and South Africa (Criminal profiling). I have chosen this issue, because it is interesting for me, therefore I will be keen on writing qualitative and well-minded research not just because of getting high mark, but also in order to know more information in my favourite area. In addition, problem is unique and unusual. Examiner will check a lot…show more content…
Perhaps it is more hypothesis than strict science and considered as unscientific method. Profiling is based on the deduction of specific evidentiary patterns, careful observation of physical evidence, and the extrapolation of those patterns into a relatively detailed description of the behavioral and psychological characteristics of a possible perpetrator. During the 1880s, Dr. Thomas Bond, a police surgeon, who performed the autopsy on Mary Kelly, the last of Jack the Ripper’s victims, became what some regard as the world's first profiler of serial killers . Dr. Thomas Bond engaged in attempts at reconstructing the crime, interpreting the behaviors of the perpetrator, and coming up with psychological portrait for the police to investigate. In recent years the issue of a psychological profile of serial killers is controversial, because some countries accept it, but others do not. For instance, Kazakhstan and Russia do not use profiling. However, in United States and Australia, Canada and England, Finland and the Netherlands, Singapore and South Africa profiling is considered as a routine procedure in apprehending serial…show more content…
Evidence to proof was taken from article “The history of criminal profiling”. Source can be regarded as authentic. It has a great expertise. There are varieties of evidence to make argument stronger. For example, “The rate of solved cases represents less than 50% of cases profiled”. It is just one example, but there are many powerful facts that give ground to reasons. Therefore, source is reliable. However, author has low reputation. He has account on this site, where he publishes his works. Topics of them are very different. First article is about comparison between Jesus and Buddha and second describes the benefits of sweatshops. He is amateur, who send articles to the site where access is open to every person who registered there. Overall, argument is reliable, so it can be applied to substantiate that profiling is acceptable method. FBI makes a psychological portrait of a serial killer for many years. Studies have found that FBI profiling techniques are of some assistance in 77% of cases (Joseph). Tone is not exaggerated, because author used word “some” and evidence is representative, since it clearly shows when profiling is useful. FBI agents are constantly engaged in similar surveys. A lot of useful information was obtained in the case of John Gacy, convicted in 1980 for sexual killing 33 young men

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