Criminal Justice Case Study Summary

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The Customer Service and Discrimination Complaint Investigator with the Governor’s Advocacy Office (GAO) was requested by the administration of the Washington County Vocational Rehabilitation program to review and respond to the totality of services that Ms. Johnstone has been offered and received, with attention to both disparate treatment and impact that may have been experienced. The administration, concerned with the number of complaints filed and the lack of success experienced sought this review to ensure that there were not systemic problems that compromised the integrity of the program services. Ms. Johnstone’s case records were forwarded to this investigator January 2015 for review and response. Even though this review was sought…show more content…
Johnstone. Ms. Johnstone’s client service file was reviewed providing a historical perspective of the services offered. Additionally, both 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended (ADAA) that provides protection to individuals with disabilities were consulted. DISCRIMINATORY TREATMENT…show more content…
The participant shall have the opportunity to make informed choices with respect to: 1. Selection of evaluation and assessment services and providers; 2. The development of the Individualized Plan for Employment; 3. The employment outcome and setting; 4. Specific vocational rehabilitation services needed to achieve the employment outcome; 5. The selection of services and service providers; 6. The settings in which services will be provided; and 7. The methods available for procuring services.” Vocational Rehabilitation has established Participant Responsibilities that include participating with the counselor in developing the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) including participating in assessments needed to determine needs and strengths. To make the rehabilitation effort a success, the participant and OVRS must work together to reach chosen goals. The participant for services accepts the basic responsibilities of seeking employment and following through on all tasks. The participant shall notify his or her counselor in a timely fashion of anything that might impact his or her ability to follow through on planned services. It is the counselor’s responsibility to fully and appropriately inform the participant or applicant of his or her

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