Criminal Justice By David Garland Summary

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The criminal justice system today is defined to have more laws that control our behaviours, have longer prison sentences and a lot of people seen being sent to the prisons. David Garland, in this book, has explored how the crime control system is affected by social changes and how does it accommodate into the social and cultural relations in today’s context. David Garland has described how the criminal justice culture had stressed on treatment of the individual, undetermined sentences and accused’s rehabilitation in the United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK) before 1970. This book is seen as a continuation and some even see it as a climax for his inquiries and argumentations that were made in two of his previous books; Punishment and Welfare…show more content…
He argues that in mid 1970s, penal welfarism was established in post-war socio-political context that had stressed upon integration socially, citizenship and professionalism. Garland added that correctionalist policies had collapsed and retributive sentiments had emerged in academic and government sectors. The changes had combined with the increased of crime rates between 1970s and 1980s where questions were asked about crime control capacities and where the criminal justice institutions were…show more content…
Here, Garland had elaborated on the development of cultural climate and subsequently theorizes on how the change in modern times would impact crime control and practices in institutions. In this book, Garland questions about “what is the new problem of crime and social order to which the emerging system of crime control is a response” (Garland, 2001, p.6). Through his research, he found out that the reason is because individual fears crime and that crime is increasing. In addition to that, citizens find themselves without effective security with the current policies and programmes for both countries. The next reason behind the problem is that sentencing was used to repress those that did not conform towards the welfare regime normality; the black, young and the poor people including the cultural

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