Crepes: Market Segmentation Methods

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Market Segmentation Market segmentation is a process of separating a market into different subsets of buyers with common needs that might require distinct marketing mixes or strategies. (Kevin, 2017) Erique Very Creative (EVC) Crepes use different types of segmentation methods which include demographic segmentation, behavior segmentation, and benefit segmentation. EVC Crepes will be based at the open space of SB Block which located at East Campus while taking part in the UC Entrepreneur Week. Therefore, our customers will be in East Campus which include the staffs from FAFB Building, the students from Canteen 3, DKSG Block or even from the hostel. By using demographic segmentation market can be divided into different segments based on income,…show more content…
As shown in Appendix, question 1, 48% of females and 52 % of males have filled up the survey with their own preference which specific to EVC Crepes. For the potential customer of EVC Crepes would be the students and staff. As we knew that the income level of the students will be less than RM 1000 or even none. The price of crepe must be cheap. Behavior segmentation focuses on whether or not people buy a product. We believe that for them to make decision on buying our crepes would be impulsive or attracting. To categorize customer in terms of usage rates, as shown in Appendix, question 4, out of 25 respondents, three of them will buy 1 piece of product for breakfast or lunch, seven of them will buy 3 pieces, and fifteen of them will buy 2 pieces. Other than that, benefit segmentation is based on the benefits that consumers seek from products and services. Based on the different taste preferences of the customer, in question 6 of the survey, we provide 3 alternatives for the customer to choose which are sweet, salty and sour. Ingredients that we used will be organic produce to maintain the high quality of the product. We also help students and staffs to create nutritious and delicious breakfast with…show more content…
Product attribute mapping shows the consumer perspective on our brands versus our competing brands on important buying factor. Our tagline to reinforce our position is “Start your day off right with Crepes!” which means to enjoy your breakfast at our stall for your new day. In the mapping has shown customer perception about EVC Crepes is good in food quality because we provide the food with fresh and nutritious ingredients. We also will cook the crepes in front of the customer to avoid crepes from hardening. However, the aspects we still need to improve is the range of amenities provided, we did not provide air conditioning, the place for the seat and so on. By generating more revenue from this UC Entrepreneur Week, we will manage and improve it soon. The value proposition of our brand will be more for the same, we provide high quality with affordable price to attack the competitor who uses more-for-more

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