Coulomb Law Experiment

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The main objective of this experiment to verify and test the Coulomb’s Law of Electrostatic Attraction. Basically, the effort entails examining the effects of the distance between centers of the approximated point charges in a Coulomb Torsion Balance. Further to that, it is also the endeavor of the activity to understand the limitations and scope of the point approximation of charges in real experimental setup. In connection to that, along the process of experimentation, systematic errors as well as errors pertaining to measurements and sensitivity of the apparatus must be hand in hand considered and take note of. The science of electrostatic commenced its golden era when French physicist Charles Augustin de Coulomb published in 1785 in what…show more content…
First law deals with the interaction of charges and is known for the shorthand saying- “like charges repel, opposite charges attract”. Indeed, by the very nature, a repulsive force is formed when same charges are put together while opposite charges create an attractive force- same in magnitude but opposite in sense. On the other hand, as a consequential principle, the Coulomb’s Second Law tackles that the force produce by charges as in the first law whether forces of attraction or repulsion between the two point charges, is directly linked to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely related to the square of the distance between their centers. In equation, this law can be presented…show more content…
Referring to the data presented and the equation above, data on the R and the θ is the one only needed in establishing the curve. The value of the slope when logθ is plot vs logR is the exponent n, relatable to the Coulomb’s Law. In the experiment, the value of n is -2.022 ± 1.451, a direct close to the theoretical value of the Coulomb’s Law as -2. If we take the deviation of this value from the standard, we have; %diff=(-2.022-(-2))/(-2)×100=1.10% This measured error is well beyond the maximum threshold limit of 5%- which is a clear indicator that the experiment went successful in its execution. There are many reasons behind for which the calculated value ranged above the theoretical value. The approximation of the balls as point charges, assuming that the charges are well defined and distributed cannot for the case hold really authentic for the matter as correction factor must be taken into consideration that the measurements must be on the measured center. The microscopic evidence and proof of these however, will still be tackled in the next activities to perform. Moreover, the correction factor based on the literature takes into account the sphericity of the ball which can directly be linked to corrected values of θ. In symbols, we can take correction

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