Gillo Pontecorvo's The Battle Of Algiers

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Gillo Pontecorvo's, The Battle of Algiers is a historical drama that depicts the struggle for independence from French colonial rule in Algeria, during the 1950s. The controversial film debuted in September of 1966. Colonel Mathieu is sent out to snuff the resistance led by Ali La Pointe in order maintain the French empire. Fear and violence overcasts a region as the National Liberation Front (FLN) uses guerilla warfare to battle the French paratroopers. This documentary-style work is for those who want to see the process of decolonization from both sides. There are many striking themes presented throughout the film but, three repeatedly appeared: women's role in radical movements, unification versus division, and the power the press holds over the public's ignorance. First, division continued to rear its head despite the call for unity amongst organizations and individuals. In what seems to be a random encounter, Ali La Pointe is approached by three men as they exit a building. Ali's former friend has been sentenced to death as he was…show more content…
The FLN carry out a plan of retaliation against the bombing of residential homes in Casbah. Three women strip themselves of their ethnic dress and disguise themselves as French women to inconspicuously pass military checkpoints. Once successful, two bombs were placed in two cafes and one in an Air France office. In this case, women are not allowed to be touched, therefore, it makes it easier to hide bombs or weapons under their clothing. In addition, women as seen as peaceful and soft creature. This religious custom and societal norm was used as a tactic to advance the resistance. Colonel Mathieu characterized the action of using women as "cowardly". However, it is the women's bravery that made the resistance successful in their attacks. In the concluding scene, the camera pans to a woman's face as she waves a flag shouting in the

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