Could You Survive Without Technology Essay

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Subject #1 Could you survive without any of your technology? Yes I could survive because growing up I did not have most of the electronics that are around today. I think that we depend on them too much now. It is not good for relationships and society. Are you scared that technology could go too far? Where would you draw the line? Yes I definitely fear technology could go too far because it could be used to invade peoples privacy. I think technology has gone too far already because the government has access to basically anything. Are we relying too much on technology to solve problems? Yes we do because we hide behind technology and use it as an escape from the real world. Plus you can fabricate your own story to be someone you're not. Why do we continue to…show more content…
I do not know. What constitutes “being alive? Being alive is like basic body functions. Second I would say enjoying life and living it to the fullest and taking advantage of your God given abilities. Subject #2 Could you survive without any of your technology? Probably not because I am so used to using technology through school and the way that we communicate in this generation would make this a tough adjustment if I did not have it anymore. Are you scared that technology could go too far? Where would you draw the line? Yes I am definitely scared that it could because it can know anything and you do not know who is looking at what and what advancements there are going to be. I think it has already gone too far and we can not turn back. Are we relying too much on technology to solve problems? Yes because you do not even have to meet face to face and you can say what you want and be confident with it with no issues. Why do we continue to develop technology knowing that the more intelligent it is the more dangerous it can get? Because people want to make money. You want to go out and make a name for yourself as well. What is the difference between a cyborg and a human? Is a cyborg

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