Cormac Mccarthy The Road Analysis

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In Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, many conflicts appear between the two protagonists and this dark, depressing reality. The conflicts are widened with the apocalyptic future that the man and the boy live in because they necessity to scavenge food which in the current society is not vital. Although the story portrays three main conflicts, which are man versus man, man versus nature, and man versus himself, that appear frequently in the story, the story is a struggle for the protagonists to survive in this harsh world. An ominous conflict is the struggle against other people in the book that don’t use morality. Because the man protects the boy, he will do anything to kept him alive and well. He even says that he will “kill anyone who touches you” (65). Although this reality is an extreme world that they live in, a statement of this magnitude seems too much for anyone to say. Most of the people in this world gave up on morality, and the man and the boy are better off staying by themselves. But the man and the boy happen to stumble into trouble often in the book. When the time…show more content…
When the man and the boy are crossing the mountain, the boy complains that he is “really cold now” which shows that they probably could not find proper clothing to stay warm in the frigid climates of the upper mountains (125). McCarthy describes a desolate world where few supplies remain to be used by anyone looking to live another day. The boy always asks, “Are we going to die?” which portrays the uncertainty in the protagonist’s survival (2). In their journey south there are too many instances when they have simply run out of food, and there are multiple occasions when they lose supplies like their cart. Many movies and television shows are based in a world where people need to scavenge to find supplies, but rarely does the story capture the struggle as well as McCarthy’s

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