Saint Katharine Drexel

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Saint Katharine Drexel was an American saint born in Philadelphia in 1858. She had a love for God and was deeply intrigued with the spirituality of Native Americans and African Americans. Katharine founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Black and Native American peoples, whose members would work for the betterment of those they were called to serve.1 She spent most of her opening missions and teaching native populations about Catholicism. Drexel founded Xavier University in New Orleans along with missions and schools. Unfortunately she passed away in 1955, she was canonized on October 1, 2000. Her feast day is March 3rd. I am not very impressed with this Saint because her methods of teaching the children are unknown. There have been many sisters that teach Native Americans so I am not very impressed with her work. Saint…show more content…
Andrew had introduced him to Jesus and he became an apostle . His encounter with Christ was an amazing one in which he was told to cast his net although he had tried all day. In the end his nets capture a multitude of fish and he tosses himself at the feet of Jesus. Peter is given the task of being the rock that Christ will build his church upon. This is why he is also the first ever pope of the Christian church. Peter was always listed as the first of the Apostles in all of the New Testament accounts and was a member of the inner circle of Jesus, with James and John.2 Before Christ’s death he denies Jesus three times just like what Jesus said would occur beforehand. After the ascension, Peter was the head of the apostles and also the first to perform miracles in God’s name. He was sadly executed under Roman emperor Nero. It was said he wanted to be crucified upside down because he believed he was unworthy to die the same way as Jesus Christ. Saint Peter’s official feast day is June 29, although he still celebrated on other

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