Comparison Between 'Metropolis And 1984'

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As political and societal ideologies take shape, so do the creative narratives surrounding them. Texts will always be a product of both the composers personal context as well as the societal context of the time and thus texts will always expose their audience to the nature of popular and alternative perspectives in the realms of society and its political discourse. A comparative study of Fritz Lang's film “Metropolis”, and George Orwell's novel “1984” illustrates the impact oppressive regimes have on individuals and the importance of individualism. In addition these texts explore the glorification of martyrs, as well as the necessity of a political conscious in the modern world. Furthermore, through the lens of Orwell and Lang, audiences gain…show more content…
Lang sheds light on the plight of the worker, valuing the need for equity within a society and condemning the role of a dictator or an oppressor. Lang's composition of “Metropolis” was heavily influenced by his participation in the arts during the “Golden Era” of the Weimar Republik, during the years 1924 to 1929. During this era, Berlin was the hub of sexual liberation and artistic freedom, resulting in a fertile environment for politically motivated art such as silent films. Lang experienced a Germany before the impacts of the rise of Hitler and the devastation of the Great Depression and thus “Metropolis” was created out of the positivity that came with the modernist movement. He employs a hope for the future through the characterisation of Freder and his awakening political consciousness. While in contrast to Winston, Freder is a member of the elite, however he exhibits the same disdain for the systems of oppression that are enforced in his world upon the members of the working class. Freder's disgust, shown through the use of highly stylised movement to illustrate the pain and human suffering caused by the divide between classes; a technique fulfilling the same role as Winston's constant self reflection.…show more content…
Orwell's background as a soldier for the resistance in the 1930s in the Spanish civil war is illustrative of his commitment as a socialist. Orwell understood and related to leftist politics, and actively involved himself in the cause. However Orwell was able to see the miscontrusions in popular left opinion. Much to Orwell's horror, the majority of the academic left was observing the state of the Soviet Union as “a workers paradise”. Due to his experience and visits to the Soviet Union, Orwell had formed a highly critical opinion of the nation state. Arguing that the political and social environment there was a disaster, and far from the proposed “workers utopia. Orwell deemed it nothing more than an oppressive, totalitarian regime, and thus composed “1984” to reflect and warn others of the allure of the current “communist” states. Through the characterisation of both Winston and Julia, one can understand Orwell's privileging of the role that political consciousness plays in defining human nature. “Until they rebel, they will never be conscious” demonstrates Winston’s inner confliction, highlighting his process of “unlearning” the policies of the Party, in particular, doublethink, a concept used by Orwell

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