Compare The Composition Of The Mass Of Three Substances In A Mixture

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Introduction: The purpose of this experiment was to calculate the masses of three substances in a mixture and find which had the highest percent composition of mass. The three substances were salt, sand, and iron filings. This would be done by separating two of the three materials. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded. Mixtures can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Homogeneous meaning that there is a uniform distribution of the substance in the solvent, and heterogeneous meaning that there is not a uniform distribution. In this case, the mixture being tested is a heterogeneous solution because the three substances are not distributed evenly. There are several methods of separating mixtures, including magnetic separation, chromatography, and filtration. Hypothesis: If there is a mixture with sand, salt, and iron filings, then the iron would have the higher percent composition by mass. This is because…show more content…
The mixture of sand, salt, and iron filings on a glass plate was measured on a weighing scale and weighed 2.4g (subtracting the weight of the glass plate). Then using a magnet, the iron filings were separated from the mixture due to the fact it is magnetic. The filings were then removed from the magnet and measured on the scale, which weighed .5g. After that, 5 millilitres of water were added to the mixture of salt and sand, dissolving the salt. The salty water with sand was then filtered with the filtered paper, leaving watery sand behind and a salt water filtrate. The filter paper with sand and water was then placed on the hot plate to dry the sand. After boiling the water and recovering the dry sand, it was measured to be 1.2g. Therefore, it was concluded that the salt (NaCl) weighed .7g because 2.4g - (.5g+1.2g) = .7

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