Compare Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning

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1 Using the Internet as a resource, explain, in terms of Skinner's experiments, what the three other types of reinforcement are and comment on their effectiveness and when they are best used? Positive Punishment : B.F. Skinner used positive punishment in his theory of operant conditioning. Positive punishment is when a negative consequence is given after an undesired behaviour is displayed. This is supposed to decrease the undesired behaviour. This type of reinforcement is most effective if the punishment happens right after the undesired behaviour. Negative Punishment : Negative punishment was also part of B.F. Skinners theory of operant conditioning. Negative punishment is when something that is desirable is taken away after a certain…show more content…
3 Using the Internet, compare classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning was created by Ivan Pavlov. It is when you take a previously neutral stimulus and pair it with an unconditioned stimulus to create a conditioned response to the previously neutral stimulus. Example; Pavlov’s dogs. Ivan Pavlov noticed that dogs started to salivate when they saw food (unconditioned stimulus) so he started ringing a bell (neutral stimulus) when ever there was food. Eventually when the dogs heard the bell ring they started to salivate even though there wasn't any food. Operant conditioning was created by B.F. Skinner. It is when you use reinforcement or punishment to achieve a desirable behaviour. Throughout this form of conditioning a certain behaviour becomes associated with a consequence or praise either increasing or decreasing the behaviour. 4 Using the example of gambling explain the four different types of schedules of reinforcement and how they impact human behaviour (Fixed Ratio, Variable

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