Psychodynamic Approach To Psychology

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Compare the Behaviorist and Psychodynamic approaches to Psychology in terms of theoretical assumptions and methodology. Introduction In this essay, I have chosen to view psychodynamic approaches in respect to its founder, Sigmund Freud a Viennese neurologist and his temporary close assisted friend, Carl Jung. On the hand, in regards to behaviour, I have chosen Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner both of which are earlier theoretical behavioural models. Psychodynamic Approach Freud’s theory involved listening intently to the client’s dreams and past childhood experiences, encouraging his clients to speak what ever came into their minds known as free association; this later became the foundation of psychoanalysis, the talking cure. This…show more content…
Watson, Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner took a contrasting approach. Watson, famous for his unethical ‘little Albert’ experiment (Pettijohn, T. 2007), firmly believed that psychology could not depend on introspection but on observation. He believed a person is born with a blank slate and will soon become a product of their environment (McLeod, S. 2007). The theory of theses man depended on classical and operant conditioning, which are in effect patterned behaviors groomed by reinforcements i.e. punishments or rewards. Pavlov’s classical conditioning used a method called learning by association. This was achieved by conditioning stimuli using a bell or other apparatuses etc. to grain a conditioned response. Skinner used positive and negative reinforcements for operant conditioning to continue behavioral patterns (Holt et al.…show more content…
Psychodynamic approaches, recognizes that childhood experiences influence our lives, unaware of consciousness. On the contrary, the behavioral approach argues behavior is the product of stimuli and responses. I believe the disadvantage of behavior is that it over looks the unconscious. An advantage to the behavior approach is that it has a stronger more reliable testability approach. This means, it can accurately be tested and observed in a controlled environment resulting with an accurate and objective result. In comparison to methodology, behavior approaches acutely focuses on the here and now without considering ones medical history or past. In addition, it argues for the nurture debate as we were born with a “blank slate” (McLeod, S. 2007). The psychodynamic theory is a difficult approach to scientifically verify or observes. Trying to prove psychodynamic theory frivolous has not been accomplished, as there is no real way to prove a conscious even exists. Therefore, there is no solid scientific evidence to support psychodynamic theory. Moreover, Freud’s studies consisted using a small sample size of people also results might have subjective views. These results can produce generalizations and not be applied to every persona
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