Compare And Contrast Hatchet And A Cry In The Wild

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The book Hatchet and “a cry in the wild” are almost entirely different stories, and out of the two I think hatchet did a better job telling the story. Also I thought it did it better because it is the original. Hatchet was a best selling novel about Brian surviving in Canada written by Gary Paulsen. A cry in the wild was a movie version that was about Brian surviving in Canada and just about as different as you can get. Hatchet did a better job in imagery because is a book, and a cry in the wild was a movie. In hatchet he described the lake, the birds, and the hatchet. A cry in the wind couldn’t because it was an image it can’t describe an image.Those were reasons hatchet did a better job telling the story. It used imagery more and foreshadowed

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